Friday, April 1, 2011

In my house when it rains.... it snows!

I know I said this post would be about my Husbands fantasy world but... well other stuff has come up.  I will submit that Blog post very soon I promise.  I am still working on the final touches.

Anyway... here goes.

Last night was a nightmare.  Right around bedtime Ladybug started complaining that her ear hurt.  She has a history of ear infections and has had tubes put in twice and the left tube fell out about 2 months after the last placement.  She hasn’t had many problems since and this has been about a year ago that the tube fell out.  However, she was going on and on about how badly her ear hurt.  I finally gave her some Tylenol.  She got up about 30 minutes later telling me that her ear still hurt and it was going into her jaw to her nose.  I tried a heating pack, gave her some Liquid Melatonin and that had her sleeping for about 3 hours before she woke again, with more pain.  Now this was about midnight.  I had been asleep for less than 2 hours and was very tired.  I gave her more Tylenol, re-heated the heating pack and sent her back to bed.  She got up 20 minutes, 30 minutes, 50 minutes later and so on til about 3:30 when I had enough and decided to take her into the ER. 

After waiting there for 3 hours and finally being seen by an ER Dr. it was determined that she had pressure behind her ear drum and the scarring from her tube that is no longer there makes it more painful than it would normally be.  He gave her Ibuprofen and sent us home.  I tried to get her to lay down and take a nap when we got home around 7ish but since she slept for about half the time we were waiting, she wasn’t tired.  So I am going on two hours of sleep, have had Ladybug all day because the insane doctor thinks that because that because of ear pressure she couldn’t/shouldn’t go to school and in addition to all that I had to take Cassie to the doctor for a standard check-up and follow-up for depression.  He has told me that I need to take her to the ER tonight to have her evaluated for thoughts of harming herself.  She wants to be admitted somewhere so she can get help.  So this is a pit stop at home so she can eat, shower and pack some clothes, just in case they admit her for a 72 hour hold.  It’s almost time for Ladybug to go to bed.  Pink is going to watch her and put her to bed for me so I can take Cassie to the ER and wait to see what they are going to do with her.  She has already told me that she understands that eventually I won’t be there with her and I am going to have to go home without her if they decide to keep her.  She also said that if they don’t keep her she will be pissed.  Been there and done that before.  I can completely understand where she is coming from. 

Tomorrow I have a memorial for one of Ladybug’s old daycare people who died from cancer.  There is never a good time for any of this to happen but still… someone please tell me that this day is almost over and I will be able to go to sleep soon!

I feel like this is all payback for how I was as a teenager.  Depressed, moody and awful to be around.  I just hope all this is not preparing me for how Ladybug is going to be.  Please Lord, let this be my penance for my teenaged behavior.  I have learned my lesson I swear!!!  


  1. After all this it sounds like you will be prepared for anything Ladybug comes up with. Hang in there!
