Thursday, May 5, 2011

Dog Share

You have heard of Time Share, Job Share, and Spouse Share (Wife Swap), I participate in a program that I like to think as Dog Share.  All the benefits of having a dog, without any of the disadvantages.  I think I may have mentioned that the neighbors dog comes over and visits.  She actually spends most of her time here during the days.  It's funny, when I drive up from an errand and pass by her house she will race us back to our place, cutting across the field to beat us there.  She is pretty smart too, one of my other neighbors doesn't like her at all, his dogs bark at her and he doesn't like that, so she always takes another way so they won't bark at her.  It's kinda nice to have her around.  She usually lays down somewhere outside and waits for someone to come or go, to play with.  I try to take some time out daily to do that, even if Ladybug isn't home with me.  We keep toys, snacks and other things like that here for "our" dog.  The neighbor who shares the dog with us would love it if we would keep her but we aren't supposed to have dogs.  This dog is used to sleeping inside and since she tends to smell (even right after a bath), that's not happening.  So until the neighbor gets rid of her, I am a proud participant in the Dog Share program.

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