Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I was watching TV and it just came out....

I got Ladybug a new blanket the other day and surprised her at school with it.  It's a Ladybug Pillow Pet Blanket.  It's her new favorite blanket and matches her favorite Ladybug Pillow Pet.

I was sitting here at my computer desk, on the phone with my mom, talking to her about the blanket and audio books, when Ladybug comes in, panties in hand.  She comes up and starts talking to me.

"Mommy, I pee peed in my panties, I'm sorry." she says.

"Hold on Mom." I say, "Ladybug, why did you pee pee in your panties?"

She says "I was watching TV and it just came out."  

I tell my mom, "Did you hear that?  She pee peed in her panties.  She says that she was watching TV and it just came out."

My mother is rolling with laughter.  I tell Ladybug to finish going potty (she only peed a little bit) and get new panties.  

I tell my mom, "I can understand if she said Mommy, I pooped in my panties.  I thought I had to fart but it was poop.  But I can't understand how pee pee can just come out!"  

We got off on a side thought.  I have chronic sleep problems.  To be honest they are embarrassing even though I know they are out of my control.  I will have to get in to that at a later date... that is a blog to itself.  

I was telling her that I was just so excited lately about her getting herself up in the night to go to the bathroom and how I didn't have to remember to do it before I went to sleep anymore.  Sometimes I would forget.  

Hubby would be in the room watching tv and ask me "Hey, don't you have to get her up to go to the bathroom." 

I would say, "I don't wanna.  Hopefully she will be ok tonight." 

Now sometimes she would be fine.  She would go the whole night without an accident and it would be wonderful.  So I stopped getting her up myself and let her do it on her own.  But then there were the nights that I would amaze my husband.  Around 1 o clock in the morning she would come into my bedroom crying.

"Mommy I pee peed in my bed."  She would say.

Now she's not worried about her sheets but very concerned that she might have peed on her favorite blanket.  Usually somehow she missed (lucky for me).  

Hubby is still watching TV at this point.  I am sleeping but I am a mom so I am always "on".  I get out of bed, lead her back to her room and proceed to change her sheets.  If this was a good night it would go like this.  

1.  I would gently lead her back to her room, leave her light off. 
2.  Get her new panties.
3.  Strip her sheets.
4.  Check her blanket to see if it's wet.   
5.  If it's not, I send a prayer of Thank You to the God of Night-time Accidents.
6.  I put a new sheet on the bed.
7.  Tuck Ladybug back into bed.
8.  Turn on her Pooh CD.
9.  Give kisses and hugs while reminding her that if she has to go potty that it would be best to do it in the toilet not her bed.
10.  Take all the wet stuff to the washing machine, put fabric softener into the machine, soap, and turn it on.
11.  Go to my bathroom to wash my hands.
12.  Fall back into bed and answer Hubby's question of "What happened?"  with "I changed her sheets." 
13.  Quickly go back to sleep.

Now I can usually do the above in less than 5 minutes, then quickly fall back to sleep.  

It's it's not a good night it goes like this:

"Mommy I pee peed in my bed!"

1.  I would gently lead her back to her room, leave her light off. 
2.  Get her new panties.
3.  Strip her sheets.
4.  Check her blanket to see if it's wet.   
5.  It's wet.  I internally curse the Gods of Night-time Accident's and wonder what I did to piss them off.
6.  Console Ladybug that she will be ok in her "back-up blanket" until the other is clean.  
7.  Search for sheets (with the light off). 
8.  Try to remember where the F the F&*ing sheets are.  
9.  After searching for about 2 minutes in the dark finally remember that I washed the sheets the other day and try to remember if they are in the dryer or somewhere in the laundry pile of things to be put away.
10.  Curse the Laundry Fairies for not doing their job that day.  
11.  Go to my room.
12.  Turn on my light to look in the laundry pile from hell for two minutes.
13.  After finding nothing I turn off the light. 
14.  Check the dryer.
15.  Turn on Ladybug's light.  Check the drawers under her bed.
16.  Check the closet to figure out that the F&*ing sheets were put away in the first place, just in the wrong spot.  
17.  Put the sheet on the bed, while cursing my rotten luck under my breath.
18.  Tuck Ladybug into bed.
19.  Turn on her Pooh CD.
20.  Give kisses and hugs while reminding her that if she has to go potty that it would be best to do it in the toilet not her bed.  Because Mommy doesn't like having to get up in the middle of the night to search for sheets and deal with pee pee.
10.  Take all the wet stuff to the washing machine, put fabric softener into the machine, soap, and turn it on.
11.  Go to my bathroom to wash my hands.
12.  Fall back into bed and answer Hubby's question of "What happened?"  with "I changed her F&*ing sheets." 
13.  Quickly roll over pretending to sleep because I am too mad to sleep, mostly at Hubby for not getting off his a$$ and helping me or knowing where the F&*ing sheet was to begin with.
14.  Go to sleep (about 30-45 minutes later) after having a bowl of cereal or milk and cookies.  

Sigh... These were the nights of my life.  I think I might have just jinxed myself... 

I wonder where the sheets are tonight....


  1. Find it interesting that it never occurs to Dad to just take Ladybug potty instead of waking Mom to remind her to do it.

  2. I have thought the same thing but at that hour, I figure pick your battles. I would rather deal with it and go back to sleep than to deal with male whining on how they "can't do it as good as you can!"
