Friday, April 12, 2019

And so... It continues

Hubby is still on the rampage for wanting to do all these jobs to earn money.  I get it, we need money.  I seriously do.  However, now I don't have any time to do other things that I NEED to do.  I'm so exhausted from doing everything that he wants me to do work wise that I have little time to check up on the info I need for his disability, to make and keep doctor appointments for Hubby and Ladybug.  I just can't even process all that I need to do and the time I need on the computer to do it.

SO, yesterday one of our new Chinchilla's gave birth to two new baby Chinchilla's, a boy and a girl.  I asked him to PLEASE have no work yesterday OR today.  I wanted to be around for a while to make sure the babies would be ok.  He kept asking all day long for jobs here and there and everywhere.  I'm like NO, if we have to do work soon it has to be LOCAL.  I asked him several times for nothing for today.  Anyway, I didn't sleep well at all last night so I had to go back to bed this morning after he got up.  So I'm napping or whatever and he comes in and wakes me up because he accepted a job today today in Sacramento.  I had a video conference for Ladybug's homeschool today at 2:30 pm and I reminded him of that and he's like "It's easy work and it's local, the window is from now until 4pm."  I feel like I'm never heard.

So I wake up Ladybug and get her to do some school work.  THEN we have the conference call.  THEN I'm trying to haul butt to the job in downtown Sac, on a Friday.  We get there and things go well, we get stuck in traffic on the way home.  He's asking me how he will be able to walk better (we haven't been walking like we used to), I told him that he's been practicing all over the house lately and he needs to see the progress he has made not just with walking but bending down etc.  So then he asks about riding a bike.  OMG.  So I told him it's hard for him to be able to do that because I'm trying to balance him and run along side of him.  So I mentioned training wheels.  I was surprised that he's open to that idea.  However, he never gives me time to research this stuff either. 

I keep feeling pulled.  It doesn't matter how many times I say NO, No more work, he applies for it and it's like I have no choice.  I don't want to work every single day when I'm getting paid right now through my old job AND I'm going to finish applying for Unemployment once I get all that info from my job. I'm doing the BEST I can and it never feels good enough.  Not by him who is always pushing me and not by Ladybug who is constantly pushing me from her end too.  Add in all the other things that I need to do and I'm wanting to scream right now.  No one cares though.  No one realizes that I need a break too.  That I need to relax and I need to veg and I need to enjoy life sometimes. 

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