Monday, June 30, 2014


Ladybug and I have been struggling for quite some time in regards to how she’s speaking to me.  She’s 7 now and so we butt heads from time to time (like every time is what I mean J).  On this particular day she was whining something awful to me and I had had it with the whining and constant asking for things she couldn’t have so I yelled at her and told her to stay in her room (it was bedtime) and then left to go into my room to yell at Hubby a bit (that’s what he’s there for right?)  A period of time had gone by and I hadn’t heard anything from her room so I decided to go check to see what she was doing (was hoping she was asleep but wasn’t holding my breath).
When I opened her door I was surprised to see her kneeling on her bed before her pillow.  On her pillow were many items, a necklace that I had when I was a kid that I had given her, some homemade flashcards from last year, a ring from Cayucos, and other things.  She was looking at them when I came in and asked me to please listen to her.  I sat down on the bed behind her.  She turned and looked at me and said:

“Mommy, I’m sorry for whining and always wanting more things.  I’ve been here with these things praying and I realized something… all these things here, all the things in this room, all the things I have and we have in this house are Love.  It is your love for me in all these things and I love you the most because you are my parents and I love you more than anything.  I’m so sorry I made you feel bad.”

She said this with a calm that is usually rarely seen in a child her age.  It was so sweet so profound.  She said more but honestly I was in tears so can’t remember some of it.  We hugged and everything was better.  (For that night at least).  I’m so lucky to have her as mine, even when we argue we always make each other feel better afterwards.  She amazes me.