It's been a really long two days. Not necessarily bad per-say but LONG. A while back Hubby and I were contacted to provide a quote for running cable from a new part of a warehouse (offices) to their server room. We took a look at things and provided a quote. Basically stating that it would take two techs (Ladybug and myself) 16 hours over two days (at least two days).
I really didn't think it would be that hard really. I've ran cable before and I thought for sure I could do this with no problems. That's where I went wrong.
Anyway we started yesterday, all three of us (Hubby, Ladybug and myself) going to site. We got a late start and then when we finally were on the way the road we needed to take was blocked off by PG&E so we had to find another way around. We finally got to site. We had stopped at Starbucks to keep us caffeinated before starting and pretty much right as we got there and were getting set up Hubby had to GO. Since his incident when he has to go it's right now. So with him walking with his walker and me leading the way we make it to the restroom. But he didn't make it. We ended up having to throw those undies out, it was a lost cause.
We proceeded with the job. We were in the lobby area and were starting at the farthest cable run, here is where we hit a snag. Basically it's all cement walls with this newer addition added in by putting up sheet rock over the concrete walls. After much trying we finally figured that we needed to drop something heavy down the hole I created in the ceiling area and then pull the cable through there, up the small sheet rocked wall to the ceiling, then through a hole that was drilled through the wall. However, the hole was too small. So I tried to drill a bigger hole.... this did NOT work with my drill. So Ladybug and I ran to Home Depot to get a bigger/better drill big. When we returned we found out that the bit didn't fit into MY drill but I had Hubby's bigger drill in the car and it did fit into that. So up on the ladder I go and drill drill drill until the battery dies. So at this point the idea was to go ahead and charge the battery at home that night and finish that part in the morning.
We ran 4 other cables from the other offices (on the other side of the cement wall) to the server room, through double drop ceiling tiles and double insulation (very very heavy). I FINALLY get the four cables to the server room and then we took a lunch break. When I returned from lunch I asked Hubby what was next, he stated punching down the cables in the offices then terminating them to the switch. So I did this, I returned to terminate at the switch and then realized I didn't pull a service loop (extra cable just in case it's needed), I needed extra cable but I had already cut and punched down so that was a lost cause. I punched down 3 of the 4 cables to the switch while standing on a ladder (so hard) and they tested good. I couldn't punch down the last cable because it was too short.
I called it a day at this point (a good stopping point) and we all went home. Hubby changed his clothes then went into his office to do whatever it is he does in there. Ladybug and I took showers, then I ended up falling asleep on the couch really early. Then Ladybug made up some dinner (Hello Fresh meal) and I went to bed at 8:00PM.
NOW, Today OMG today. I talked with Hubby about taking an Imodium before leaving. He said he wouldn't have Starbucks again and that it shouldn't be an issue. As soon as we got there again he had to go, and again he didn't make it. Another day without undies. Sigh.
I started out the day troubleshooting their timeclock which had stopped working the day before. After fixing that I started with the wall... AGAIN!!!! The drill battery died again. So home I go looking for more batteries... none could be found. At this point Hubby tells me that we should get a hammer drill, so I do, bring it back and try again. I feel like I get a bit of it done but every 15-45 seconds the freaking bit falls out. I was SO annoyed. Hubby asked if he was needed as he was just sitting around, so I took him home and went back to Home Depot to see about getting a better bit. When I get there the guy helping me asks if it's just for one job and as it is, tells me to go to rental and tell them what I need to do and rent a really good one for the day. So I do that. OMG I got this HUGE drill with a 12-18 inch bit.
WE took that back (Ladybug and I) and had ordered pizza for lunch. After lunch we started again. I spent at least 3 hours this afternoon drilling that hole (off and on as it weighed about 50 lbs). I was drilling into this hole on a 8 foot ladder while holding this drill above my shoulders at head height. I thought that if I were higher that I could support the drill a bit better. So up one more step, I turn it on and it hits a rock and the drill handle moves to the side and hits me in the jaw. Sweet Mother of God, didn't hurt that much at the time, hopefully it won't hurt too much tomorrow. I put an ice bottle on it as much as possible. I went back and kept drilling for 3 hours. I stopped, my arm wasn't able to keep lifting it up like that. I got out my measuring tape and and measured the depth of the hole.... 3.25 inches... that's it, that's all, all that time and effort for 3.25 inches.
I went inside and talked with the manager. I asked him to come back so he can see what's going on. We determined that we could no longer keep trying to drill that hole. It was taking too much time. We discussed other options that I would bring back to Hubby to determine which was the best route to go.
Then we went into the warehouse and he explained where he wanted the paging horns. At this point as we are talking I notice a pretty decently sized hole in the area behind the lobby going into the warehouse and then another hole on the other side of the concrete wall. OMG after all that and there is another way around it!!!! ARGH!!!!!!!!
At least we can laugh about it. Ladybug and I had a great time making fun of our situation. And honestly with that, it makes this all worth it. These are memories in the making.
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