Friday, February 3, 2012


OK so before you jump to the conclusion that my poor little Ladybug is being misused somehow, let me explain.

Ladybug goes to a preschool that has 2-5 year old in the same class. They share a bathroom that has two toilets.  So, I am sure at one point or another they have seen each others underwear etc.  

However, this does not explain the comment when I showed Ladybug a newborn picture of herself and she looked at the bellybutton (that was clamped off and cut) and said "Mommy, that kinda looks like a boys Potty."

I still believe that this is all fairly innocent but did bring it to the attention of the teachers at the school and I also was able to find out which "boys" (there was really only one) said that about her panties.  

I thought it was funny how she said that anyway.  Who knows... the boy could have seen her panties because her pants fall down (Plumbers Crack).